CSCI 102, SEC .015
FEBUARY O3, 2000
The responsibility for administering student discipline at the University is vested in the Division of Student and Alumni Services.
Staff in the division investigate cases of misconduct, meet with students to discuss their rights and responsibilities, and refer cases
to the appropriate hearing body. Conduct rules, disciplinary penalties, and complete hearing procedures are contained in the
Carolina Community.
The University reserves the right, in the interest of all its students, to decline admission, to suspend, or to require the withdrawal of
a student from University housing and/or the University after all appropriate University procedures have been followed.
Registration at the University assumes the student's acceptance of responsibility for compliance with all regulations published in
this bulletin as well as any rules found in any official publication.
Infractions of academic discipline in the undergraduate colleges are dealt with in accordance with the Student Academic
Responsibility Code. Such infractions include but are not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and illegal use of old laboratory reports.
Students accused of committing infractions of the Student Academic Responsibility Code may receive a hearing before the Committee on Student Academic Responsibility of the college in which the infraction has taken place. Each committee consists of faculty members and student members.
The Office of Student Judicial Programs is responsible for administration of the judicial system and the conduct regulations. The
office conducts prehearing interviews with students charged with a violation of the conduct regulations, takes administrative
disciplinary action in certain cases, conducts student/faculty judicial board hearings, maintains all University disciplinary records,
and serves as a resource to faculty, staff, and students for disciplinary matters.
Students who wish to withdraw may do so using the TIPS phone system. Any questions or concerns regarding the withdrawal
procedure should be addressed to either the appropriate academic dean or to the Student Ombudsman. All withdrawal, refund, and
appeal procedures are outlined in Carolina Community and in this bulletin.
In view of the critical shortage of parking accommodations on campus, the University discourages ownership or operation of
automobiles by students and advocates increased use of bicycles. Students who, nonetheless, must operate vehicles in the
University area are urged to familiarize themselves with pertinent rules and regulations published by the Office of Vehicle
Management and Parking Services.
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This web site updated August 1999 by Marty Davis, and copyright � 1999-2000 by the Board of Trustees of the University of
South Carolina. All Rights Reserved.
URL http://www.sc.edu/bulletin/ugrad/StudRegs.htm